Tightening the Belt

It is good to own an old belt of yesteryear and wear it on occasion. It reminds us of how fat we have become. The gut don't lie.

I have been praying not to become a slave to my stomach Abdomini Servit.

It is hypocritical & profane to pray for something and then deliberately act contrary to it in a repeated fashion. So, I am cutting back and God is giving me daily strength to not feed the beast in the belly. I find that the more I cater to it, the more it wants. Like Hell, it is never satisfied. With the obesity epidemic in America, it seems logical that our over-eating is really a symptom of our spiritual hunger. Beyond what we need to eat for physical sustenance, the abyss of our appetites can only be filled by Christ.

Rather than buying bigger belts we really need to be eating smaller meals.


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