Fathers Arms
Last night I had the distinct privilege and honor of attending the Daniel Amos concert in Central Pennsylvania. Who knows that last time these California boys came through these parts as a group....maybe how about never. Just because DA (as they are know as by insiders) has not been geographically nearby, hardly means that this band has not been one of the most influential musical entities of record for many in the evangelical terrain. As a band, they have composed over 400 songs. Their albums were the soundtrack of our college lives. Hip, clever, sarcastic, talented, intellectual, and culturally savvy, DA was the antidote to goofy and garish Christian Contemporary Music in the 1980's and 1990's and beyond (those Oldies but Goody-Goodys). And, they are still creating and rocking, not just doing repeats and retreads in concert. Hung out with Steve and Brian, two brothers I went to college with at the show. We, now as middle-aged men much further down the twists and turns of lif...