Prodigal Sock
The sock which was lost is now found. Time to wear the fatted shoe. Last Saturday, I had an enormous amount of laundry to do. I have enough garments to go several weeks without doing laundry. Thus, I wait several weeks. Laundry time always rises to the amount of clothes available. As I have written about before, Saturday is my To-Do Day. Almost everything household related like cooking the week's meat, bills, making my magical E-8 drink in the Vitamix, and chores, are Saturday. I am even trying to blog on Saturdays as I have time. I generally sleep in to around 5 AM on the weekends. Frankly, I often can't wait to drink coffee. So, I can't wait to get up and get the day brewing. I tell people on the day I die it will be after I have had my coffee. I would like to get my final lift for the week done on Saturday but I still do that on Sunday morning. I find lifting weights relaxing and it is good way to take the edge off the caffeine. My rest day for working ...