
Showing posts from December 2, 2018

Sun Zeus

I am a dog lover but from afar. Maybe I could have a Virtual Dog? Just delete taking him out to take a doot and picking it up. And anything else not pleasant...Zeus does like to lick his privates so I kept his tongue away from my face.  I don't have a dog now but did have a legendarily stupid beagle as a kid. He was one dog enough for a lifetime. He has left me with a deep love for beagles and dogs in general. I will stop my car if I see a beagle being walked along a road. So, yeah I am a beagle wacko. I always feel like I have to explain to the beagle owner that I had a beagle as a kid, yada, yada, yada. It doesn't take a lot of time to call 911, so I have to make my case quick why I pulled over and have a goofy look on my face. I have friends and family who have dogs so I get in my in-person affection and leave the canines wanting more when I depart. So, I was out visiting family over Thanksgiving and got re-acquainted with the dog-in-residence, Zeus. He's a great ...