
Showing posts from July 23, 2017

The Grace of Receiving

Within the last week or two, I have been on the receiving end of some very gracious gifts. A couple of canisters of homemade and well-executed kimchi, a bottle of home-brewed mead, two bags of Costa Rican coffee, and a very kind postcard from a friend who shares my eclectic insider-outsider take on Christianity. Mead and Kimchi are in the pic (I added some pan-fried sausage). For those not raised in the Church, just so you who know who were born and bred into the evangelical culture, we always feel like outsiders in some way even though we may have been years on the inside. That divide is pretty deep in the Church and not a whole lot of people talk and write about it. Maybe analogous to the Jew-Gentile divide in the early Church. Whaddya mean I can't eat lobstah? If I am not mistaken, there is only one verse said by Jesus in the New Testament while he walked and talked in the body not spoken in the telling of the Gospel but then told later (outside of Revelation which is a ...