Write and Wrong
It has been interesting to experience that as my blog gets more attention, there has been correspondingly (and logically) more scrutiny to what I write. This falls into the "Duh File" of mental notes. I include in this scrutiny Facebook, as the same dynamic applies. When I was writing for two years, and few people were reading, it follows that my words were going uncontested. Probably one of the intrinsic dangers of writing for one's own reasons, besides a larger audience. Although, if one merely wishes to have an on-line diary, it would be better to make it private. Sometimes it is shocking to read what people reveal about themselves on-line. Now, particularly in the last several weeks, I have been getting much more comments. And, although some of the feedback has been very affirming, a good part of it has been corrective and sometimes even somewhat critique-oriented. I guess everyone wants an audience until someone in the audience starts to boo. The feedback has unifor...