You Don't Own The River
Fear The River Two Thursdays ago, it was uncharacteristically really nice outside. It was warm and sunny without being nasty humid. So, I felt compelled to get my face out of my iPhone and ride my bike to the river to Columbia Crossing, which is a public space veranda of sorts to gaze upon the river and think deep thoughts. I was chagrined when I arrived to see and more importantly hear a lady in yoga-like apparel yapping away on her cell. She might as well been talking to a rock since she was doing all of the talking. So much for my Zen moment of pondering whether I could see the same river twice. I was close enough to hear some of what she said. Typical gossip baloney. It irritated me that she didn't comprehend that it is not real appropriate to disturb the public peace with personal matters. By public peace I mean of course, my peace. So, I hung out for only a bit then hopped back on the Trek to home. I thought about how nice it would be to have property on the river w...