
Showing posts from January 28, 2018

Magic Board

Me as Snurfer Boy. Look at that Hill, Yo!  Tuesday morning, school was cancelled due to a strategic snow storm that hit precisely at the worst time.  Or best, depending on your perspective.  Since I have been in too many harrowing journeys and accidents and near-misses back and forth to my school in the 26.5 years I have worked there, I am fine with the "safe rather than sorry" approach. I see snow and snow days as Sabbaths from the Sky of sorts. Chill out and enjoy. Slow down, watch the flakes fall. I like the Winter and love the snow. Tuesday morning, after it was called, I knew what I was to do. Hit the legendary Snurfer, which was a prehistoric dinosaur-like ancestor of snowboards. Snurfers are still made but their heyday was the 1970's.  Snurfers were a big part of my childhood and adolescence.  I still recall me and the boys going down to Valley Forge Park and Snurfing for hours at our special location when we were Teens.  I found a sweet a...

The Infinite Immensity of a Kind Gesture

Gen 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. After two weeks of being home and working, I finally feel acclimated back to Pennsylvania. The first couple of days back at work in particular felt quite odd. Like I was a stranger in a strange land. An alien. I was almost apologetic that I was out for so long. But, the decision to give us Comp Days for summer work was not of my doing. Working in a school for 27 years tends to provide very strong psychic walls to keep the external world out. It is a planet unto itself. An adolescent ecosystem of sorts. It is good to be reminded that the world keeps on keeping on. When I was on Sabbatical twice during my Ph.D. work, it never ceased to strike me as interesting that most of the world wasn't in school. It is obvious but my own personal narrative leans so heavily to the school side of life. Some day I will...