Drought, Defiance, & Deliverance
The state of Israel is experiencing one of its worst droughts in history. A fire is presently engulfing the Mt. Carmel region of her land. Reforestation and lack of rain is a bad combination. Here is some video. As a historical parallel that is hard to dismiss as inconsequential, Mt. Carmel was the location of the "Firefight" between Elijah and Ahab, really God vs. Baal. Human actors in a divine drama (see 1 Kings 18). It is always necessary to be cautious when trying to connect the dots of the Almighty's actions to events on earth, yet the Bible is quite clear over and over again that God acts in real time in creation, not just providentially behind the scenes. If He appears to not be active, be careful in that conclusion. He is in the Fire. Recently, Lina and I watched the film Defiance about Jews in a forest fighting back against Nazi occupiers . It is based on a true story. God, in the film, is not portrayed as taking up the cause of the Jews in the sense that He ...