Sipping the Summer
I know that I have been delinquent on my blogging recently. My Dad called last week because he is my most faithful reader of Bierkergaard and got concerned that I had croaked or something. Frankly, I have been in a down-low mode for most of the Summer. Dodging the heat like the Bulls of Pamplona. I get gored every Summer by the twin horns of heat and humidity. One or the other, I can deal with head-on. Both, I have to run and hide. As mentioned in previous blogs here and there, I get a terrible itch every early July that continues until the weather cools. I live for Fall and Spring, and endure Winter and Summer. Although, I like both, they have big downsides. It was cold forever this year. And little snow. Bad combo. This Summer, I have been a bit more intelligent. I don't go for runs in the mid-day sun with no shelter. I don't wear a hat or bandanna on my head that traps the heat like a coil on the cranium (instead I run or hike in the shade with a towel to wipe away e...