Jump Start Faith
This morning, at our first official prayer meeting at Church, it was me and the Pastor. It was 10:00. Kind of early for the faithful. I just wake up early on Sundays. During the week, I awake at 5:20. On the weekends, I can sometime stretch the sleep to 6:30 if I am lucky. Slacker. I don't think I am entirely an early riser by nature. But, my job at the high school requires it. And I don't get paid unless I show up. Pretty simple. I am aiming for perfect attendance this year. Last year, around this time, my Appendix burst. I think I missed 2.5 days of school. The Dr. said that patients normally take 2 weeks off. Maybe I should have been a Marine. We have had some, OK a lot, snow days. We were even cancelled last week because it was too cold... Regardless, today at the prayer meeting--where two were gathered in His name--we both prayed that our church--Veritas--would grow in depth. Many congregations evaluate effectiveness by butts in the seats. By ...