Misery , Comfort, and Innocence
I have been on an Innocence Mission kick on Pandora the last couple of days. Innocence Mission is a Lancaster band that has been around for two decades and enjoys critical acclaim and a popular following both inside and outside of the county. I am much prouder of the export of their music than other Lancaster County indigenous products like Shoo Fly Pie. The flies can keep the pie for all I care...I won't be doing any shooing to protect the precious...the winged creatures are right where they belong. I first saw The Innocence Mission perform at the old Chameleon Club on North Christian Street over twenty years ago. The voice of Karen Peris mesmerized me by its pristine beauty. Like crystal, it was clear and fragile...innocent. It is good to know that her voice and the band retains such qualities. The fresh innocence of youth can become the burning cigarette-like scratchy cynicism of mid-life which then becomes the butts of bitterness ash of old age. Pandora operates on a principl...