
Showing posts from September 1, 2019

Consistency and Crash

This summer I endeavored to get on the mountain bike and ride twice a week. It is a great work-out, fun, and has the element of danger that all truly worthwhile experiences offer. The adage "no risk, no reward" is so very true. If nothing is risked, typically nothing is gained. Video games give the illusion of danger but it is virtual reality, not reality.  Not even certain that reality should be in the term. Virtual Unreality might be a more apt term.  About a month ago, I was on my favorite trail. Not hard but a good 30 minute work-out. Being the summer, the woods is full of flies, skeeters, and gnats. The slower I rode, the more the insect cloud grew, triggering all of my fears and phobias of swarms of bugs. A big ass bug landed on my right arm while I was in the insectacloud and I took my left hand off the handlebars to sweep it off. I didn't want to stop as the swirling creature cloud was turning into a flashmob. The handlebar turned right and my wheel hit a roc...