Does Liberace Yet Live?
Who does not know that things like these have happened and do happen in the world. That someone who once ruled over countries and kingdoms has ceased to rule and is obliged to see a more powerful ruler take his place. That someone who once was hailed with jubilation soon, yes so soon, that the whole thing seems to have been a dream. hears the same jubilation shouting another name? Soren Kierkegaard, from his discourse, " He Must Increase; I Must Decrease." I was recently in the bowels of the Hershey Arena (the indoor arena of the Hershey Empire before the Giant Center was built). I was at an awards banquet for one of my seniors winning a scholarship and the room where the event was held was the same place where entertainers would hang out before and after their performances. The Hershey Arena is where Wilt dropped a 100 points during a basketball game on a hapless opponent, a record that still stands in the NBA The room has seen better days... This room was a walk...