Weights of Glory

I have always been a pretty athletic person. First, through organized sports, and then to more of a personal regimen. I like working out for the most part. There is always that inertia at the beginning to overcome but once I am at it, then I am good to go. I am relieved to have escaped team sports. They have almost always had highly dysfunctional elements to them that created enormous downsides. Teams can be great when they work, very painful and discouraging when they don't. I have found avoidance to be the best solution in regards to fitness. My bad knee always makes me feel that my performance suffers and that is exacerbated by the winning and losing element and keeping score. When I do my fitness activities now, I am not trying to beat someone else or some entity. It has helped me inordinately to have less of that competition vibe. It doesn't motivate me. In the least. Not anymore. I have nothing to prove to anyone. With my personal fitness, getting started and n...