To The Mountains...and Back
About two weeks ago I was feeling the itch to travel. Literally and figuratively. I have written previously about my summer body-itch issue, triggered by the hot and humid Pennsylvania summers. I hate it. It is enough for me to consider moving North after I retire. Up in elevation, where the days are just cooler and less humid. So, I knew I had to vacate Molumbia. When I contemplated my options for travel I considered going to Colorado to hang out with a friend and his fam (scheduling just didn't correspond), Copenhagen (home of Soren Kierkegaard), or Maine (go back again, but further up to Acadia). I was starting to get paralyzed by all of the options. Then, a conversation that I had with my Dad months ago came back to me. The Adirondacks in New York State! My Dad had mentioned that there is a lodge--actually Loj, which is some phonetic spelling instituted by a Dr. Dewey, that is nestled in the mountains. Dr. Dewey might be the same dude who came up with the Dewey Decimal Sys...