Living & Dying By the Sword
I have been doing a lot of reading of the Bible and commentators on the use of the sword. This has been a reaction to hearing Shane Claiborne advocate the laying down of arms unilaterally. I take Shane seriously, so his arguments deserve attention. Shane advocated no response from the West to the 9-11 attacks. He may personally not seek justice against an enemy who violated him specifically, that is his Christian choice (forgiveness does not preclude punishment), but he has no right to dictate the terms of response of the aggrieved families, friends, communities, and our nation, to the attacks. He illegitimately subsumes the right to respond. His position, supposedly ethical , is profoundly unsettling, in that he seems to view that his prerogative should predominate. There is much about Shane that I admire and respect, but on this, he is wrong. There should be times when Christians should object to the unjust use of force. Our invasion of Iraq, especially in retrospect was unjust. Afgh...