I am Hungry
Welcome back to another installment of "Fluffy Fridays" where I drop all my deep musings like a bad habit and go goofy. It is actually Saturday when I am posting this as I got onto other things yesterday. So it is "Snowy Silly Saturday" in Blogdom de Bierkergaard. This year, with me being on Sabbatical from my school counselor position, I have escaped the clockwork precision and regimentation of the school day, where everything is controlled by the bell. For many years, I have eaten at 12:30. While working, once I hear the bell for lunch, like a Pavlovian dog, I trot down to the cafeteria, salivating and slobbering all the way down. Since I do my doctoral work from home, time gets chewed up, a mastication of the minutes, a digestion of the days, all the while I miss eating lunch. This year, lunch can be any time, and more often than not, I don't eat until 3 or later. I still eat breakfast first thing in the morning. But once that meal is concluded, who knows whe...