
Showing posts from December 8, 2013

Nelson Mandela

It is a snow day from school, thus I am watching Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service being beamed from South Africa into my living room through CSPAN. CSPAN is my favorite television station minus the pontificating politicians and panderers, Left, Right, and in-between. Cut them out like a piece of gristle from the steak on the plate. I would can Comcast if it were not for CSPAN. I read the autobiography of Nelson Mandela a couple of summers ago. I have always preferred non-fiction and real stories versus the make-believe. The Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings finally broke through my resistance to fiction, for they had much facts in them. I gained a greater appreciation for the man, his story, and his struggle. He was not a perfect man, far from it. Yet, he made many decisions that steered South Africa away from a Zimbabwe-like end where the oppressed became the oppressor like that ugly and violent man Robert Mugabe. European Imperialism and its mo...