Tree On A Wire
I was driving the back-way home through the woods from work the other day on a road that meanders roughly along the Susquehanna River with all of its twists and turns. There isn't a lot of traffic there and I dodge suburban congestion of the other route. I figure that I drive the forested route at least two hundred times a year (I do go the other way in the morning sometimes because it is so early that the traffic is sparse). So, after 25 years, I am around 5000 times that I have driven this woodsy way. Yet, if I pay mind to it, I always see something new. Until the economic downturn of a few years ago, the woods were starting to be taken over by new construction. Since then, things have slowed but telltale sewer upgrades are happening and that predicts that the lumberyard that owns all of the hundreds of acres of trees is going to sell to the highest bidder soon. It makes me sad, for as the trees go, so do people. We literally need each other to breathe. Not that this is real...