Bull on the Run
We are a world that is preoccupied with steps, formulas, and strategies, to enhance our lives, reduce our waist size, grow our bank account, and inculcate happiness ad naseum. Spiritual alchemy, potions, and tricks. Self-help runs rampant like a bull on the streets of Pampalona. That which gores us, self-help, is supposed to save us, if we can just figure out the right way to run. Technique triumphs Truth, or more accurately Truth is a process and not a destination. The Devil specializes in distraction unto destruction. Just one more book, show. I have likewise yearned for answers that I could employ for my betterment. Yet, the older I get, the more I see that just because I can imagine my life a certain self-pleasing way, hardly means that it will become what I want. And I should often not even want what I want. The bull runs as it desires, not according to my plan, but by forces beyond my control and mani...