Hard Seats Are Good for the Soul
I spent several months chained to my office chair writing my Dissertation for 8-10 hours a day. I made a decision at the beginning that the chair selected should be softer on my Gluteus Maximus rather than harder. Although I did not study Chairology in college, I had a good idea of what would happen. I knew better... My butt would feel better in the short term, as I was sitting in it. But, over time, it would start to hurt more. Then, sitting in the soft chair would smart 24-7. Of course, my massive amount of driving for my Pa. Brew Tour hardly helped... A harder chair paradoxically causes less pain over the long-term. Kind of like if you really want to wreck your back and turn it into a twisted pretzel, sleep on a soft mattress. It won't be long until you have scoliosis. A firm mattress, not too hard, not too soft (as in Goldilocks) is what is needed. Funny how fairy tales contain so much truth. Well, on with my Fanny Tale... The trials and tribulations of the Ph.D. are now fadin...