Nations Shall Learn War No More
Those of the Conservative persuasion, seem far too comfortable with the premise of war. What has been called "American Exceptionalism" --the belief that the U.S. is the new chosen nation as Israel of old--is deeply ingrained in the American psyche. We believe that the sword we bear is of the Lord. Yet, we deceive ourselves if we think that we have no sin. In the balance sheet of good vs. evil, the U.S. has historically enshrined the rights of the individual vs. the collective power of authority, be that church and/or state. That has been an positive step forward because the group is not always right. Neither is it always wrong. Too much individualism leads to everyone doing what is right in their own eyes. Tradition and Truth battle it out, for tradition can be untrue, but truth--to be true--has to be grounded in more than just subjective opinion. Your truth vs. my truth devolves into preference and then ultimately to power. It is one thing to admit that we all see thr...