No Man Is A Room
I volunteered at the Vancouver World Future Society Conference to save half of the registration fee. I paid my own way. My school can't afford to foot the bill for the fees and flight. As an aside, we all hear that the children are the future. But, what is the future? That is a pretty important question to ask in education and elsewhere. Trend and Futurist work is not prophecy, instead it is an intelligent examination of available evidence and information and projecting plausible and possible outcomes. And preparing for the implications ahead of time. On the first day as a volunteer, I walked up to the registration table and was given a quick run through and off I went. I sometimes get anxious in uncertain situations. I wanted to be friendly, helpful, and useful. A registrant asked me if lunch was provided. "I don't know" was my totally oblivious response. Always try to be honest than assume anything. Honest ignorance can be forgiven, incorrect information is dicier...