
Showing posts from January 31, 2016

A Little Appreciation

I headed down to the Philly-area on Thursday for a College and Career Conference at a hotel. I like to get back to my hometown area on occasion .  I still have a lot of Philly in me. Yo, Adrian.  By Thursday, the snows had been plowed sufficiently to clear the roads. Although, I did have to make essentially a blind right turn out of a gas station because a pile of snow about the size of one of those Stonehenge standing stones blocked my vision.   I feel a lot of weightiness because my school counselor position is the role in the school that is appointed to help kids figure out their future. I think it is one of the reasons that we send so many students to college in the U.S, even  though half  of them won't get a degree.It kicks the career can down the road and makes the college deal with it. Or not. It is much easier to chose a college than a career.  The conference was enlightening. I gleaned some good ideas. These conferences are usually j...