
Showing posts from February 18, 2018

Why Weight?

When I was about 14 years old, my Dad purchased for my brother and I a set of weights and a bench. I had aspirations to put on some muscle. I never really followed up with lifting. There were some limitations. Our house didn't have a basement so the weights and bench had to be stored in either the attic or garage. Depending on the time of year, the attic was too hot or too cold. The garage had the same issue plus all the clutter of lawn mower, tools, bikes, and etc.  Far from ideal. Yet, I could have made it work had I been devoted. I was looking for excuses and it is easy to find them if looking. Sure, the equipment wasn't the best. The temperatures far from optimum. So, the weights and bench sat unused. As I got older, I did transport the bench and weights to my post-college housing. I developed some consistency with lifting and then I would drop off yet again. I had poor technique and created back issues, which impaired my ability to play rugby. I'd get back spasms...

AmERICan Fever

"Bella geri placuit nullos habitura triumphos. I hope this war shall be Christ's triumph, Babylon's ruin." Samuel Rutherford, Lex, Rex . The digital thermometer that I bought in Manila is getting a lot of use. It reads in Celsius so I have to go to Google and convert it to Fahrenheit.    I never really needed one except that time I contracted Lyme's Disease and my then wife had one. Tuesday afternoon I started to develop a cough. I felt chilly all day, which isn't unusual because my office has a HVAC vent that blows cold air on me 7:35 am to 3:00 pm. The maintenance director assures me that the air is 68 degrees. Think car window 68 degrees. The air is moving. I don't recall the last time I have come down with the Flu. It was childhood/teenagerhood from what I recall. I am a Cold man pretty much and can count on a couple each Winter. One feature I recall about the Flu is that I get these really dead dreams, like me dreaming that I am sitting in a ...