1/4 Irish & Proud of It
Boy, I thought I was being a clever boy. 1/4 Irish, I went looking for a one leaf clover on the Web. I found this above. I also found a band called "One Leaf Clover." Jeez, it is so hard to be original in the Internet age. Back in the day, if you and the dudes said something innovative out back, there was no checking the web. Just you and your buddies cackling in the glow of assumed originality. Now, someone has beat you to the punch. It happened all the time before but we never knew it. Adding an Amen to the writer of Ecclesiastes who writes that "There is nothing new under the sun." Not even a one leaf clover. On YouTube there is a music video posted of Metallica's "No Leaf Clover" song but someone incorrectly titled it "One Leaf Clover." It doesn't even appear to be the right song. Here is a cool rendition of the tune with orchestral backing . "The soothing light at the end of the tunnel being a freight train?" Boys, l...