
I have a difficult time handing tasks to others because I think to do so is a de facto admission that I can't do it all. Being that I am pretty much a moron with many things, you'd think by now I'd grasp that it pays dividends to let others who have stronger giftings where I am weak to take over. No, I am cheap. That is why I tend to try to keep it in house. Ask my wife about the grass. For several years I fought a fruitless battle against the forces of barrenness in the yard until I calculated that hiring a lawn care company pretty much costed the same as doing it myself. The lawn care company price for the fertilizer was a whole lot cheaper than my expense. Adding the company's labor, it wound up being the same cost as me buying the fertilizer at retail prices. All of that pain and anguish for naught. Do it yourself punishment. We have decided to hire a Property Manager to work with our new tenants. This time it seems we have found a credible company, not a Property ...