
Showing posts from January 18, 2009

Lost My Cookies

Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the king's dainties, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Yesterday, I ate more cookies than the Cookie Monster...actually, I ate many more cookies than the Cookie Monster...all he does is crumble and chomp them up and they fall out of his mouth. A former student of mine gave me a home-cooked batch of cookies freshly-baked at 7:00 in the morning as a way of saying "thanks" for sticking with her when she was making some unwise choices and giving her another chance. Every so often I kind of get it right; I told her straight up that she was making some serious mistakes, I also determined to not quit on her. I told her that it would break my heart if she didn't do right. I have a hard time being vulnerable but I was. It easy in a skeptical age to get in "I care less than you do" mentality. Especially...

Out of Gas

I spent most of the morning trying to get my wife's car to start. Since I am not automotively-inclined, I am piecing together the anatomy of what went wrong to cause the problem: 1) We had to keep her car out in the driveway for a couple days because her side of the garage's garage door mechanism was broken (that was an issue that our wonderful neighbor Mike fixed for us...I was like a novice nurse with an experienced surgeon handing him his tools and providing an extra hand but little brain power and expertise to the surgery). 2) It has been colder than Moscow in Pennsylvania. I had offered my side of the garage but she declined (we didn't know the weather was going go go freon on us). I should have given it to her anyway (chivalry should live). 3) She has a tendency to run low on gas. Being efficiently-minded, she doesn't want to go to the gas station more than necessary, so she used her low fuel warning light and sound as a alert that she needs gas. Me, I am at the g...