
Showing posts from July 16, 2017

Fix Your Flat

I have a running gag with some friends that when they pass by my domain in Molumbia (the name for my postage-stamp parcel of land) that they have to get permission to fly through the air space so to speak, so I don't send my Russian Mig jets to intercept interlopers, friend or foe.  I got 'em cheap on Craigslist. Thus, yesterday I received such a call. I am thinking about granting seasonal passes so I don't have to approve each request. But, it would be wise to review peoples' status quarterly to ensure that they are still worthy of such approval. My good friend was riding his bike to the river  in the afternoon and made such a request which I benevolently approved. It is a hard and hefty ride from the city of Lancaster where he was riding from. I decided to escort him through the air space of Molumbia and beyond. We agreed to meet in Mountville (the pet name of Molumia is a mash-up of Mountville and Columbia). After two hard weeks of working on students' sched...

Shot of Gratitude

I am getting to the blog early Sunday due to plans of kayaking this afternoon which will then probably transition to supper and beers. And then, no desire to blog at 8:00 PM when I get home and have to get up at 5:00 tomorrow morning. I know myself and how I think. I try not to delay that which can be done now rather than later, unless it is a Sabbath rest issue where it is not essential to work or purchase something today. Do hard things first, though writing this blog is not really a hard thing. If I were dependent on my writing to pay the bills, I think my fingers would hit to keyboard like hammers. The pressure would weigh on me. Maybe it would be good. The pressure, like an espresso pull, would extract a higher level of talent. Right now, I write for fun and the enjoyment of my world-wide audience. Speaking of espresso, last night a buddy who also enjoys the finer things of life went to Cafe Bruges in Carlisle, a mid-state college town sans college students right now becaus...