Forgiving by Faith
Last night, as is my custom, I read a bit of the Bible before heading to sleep. When I say a bit, it was a two sentences. I reserve most of my in-depth Bible reading to the morning, where I then blog about what I have read. I find writing about what I have learned to be a good way to remember and apply what I have read. So, the evening reading is a nightcap as it were. One that norms my mind on spiritual things as I fall asleep. Never underestimate the power and effectiveness of even a little of God's word. Sometimes people get in the rut of thinking if they don't have a lot of time to read the Bible, they shouldn't do it all. A little in God's hands can be a lot. By providential action and my intent to head back towards the 4 Gospels, I went from Galatians 2 where Paul called out Peter because of his addiction for approval from the Judaizers at the expense of dissing the Gentile converts (shows that even Peter could fall back into the sin of ethnocentric fa...