Dr. Death Has Died
Kevorkian has died naturally....no assisted suicide in his case. Kevorkian relished the renegade role of Dr. Death and it is quite easy to demonize him as an an end of life assassin. I think that too often Christians can paint individuals in the darkest light imaginable in a way that distorts their humanity and makes them monsters. Monsters are easy to hate and doing so resolves the tension of dealing with such grave issues of life and death in an in-depth and thoughtful manner. Although I disagree with any notion of suicide being acceptable (more than once growing up, I wanted to end it all and the only thing that kept me from doing it was the conviction of suicide's inherent wrongness). Yet, we really need to be much more realistic about trying to prolong life when it is clear that we should step out of the way and let nature take its course. Extraordinary efforts to prolong life in the face of indisputable degeneration is cruel in a different manner. Both premature ending and ...