Calvin's Tweets

Logos Bible Software is offering a CD collection of John Calvin's writing. The price is dropping fast now that the 500th anniversary of his birthday has come and gone.

Suffice to say, the French/Swiss Reformer was prodigious. That is what makes this Tweet comic so dang funny.

Technology can be a blessing or a curse. It is tool. Like a hammer can pound nails or pound someone's head. How it is utilized determines its ultimate goodness.

I have dedicated my fave technology, my iPhone, to the Lord as Hannah did to Samuel. To use it for godly purposes and not wickedness. In an age of the sound bite and here today, gone tomorrow, God is still using the work of John Calvin to call His people to Himself. His work is for the ages and it would be wise to become as familiar with Calvin as possible.

I wonder if I can get the CD collection on eBay?


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