
Showing posts from March 22, 2020

Big Mouth (Piece)

Soooooo, how has your week been? Ha-Ha. Been a little cray-cray? Me, too! Must be a coincidence! Still trying to recover from whatever I came down with. No fever, so it doesn't sound like Corona. But, c'mon, it has been two weeks already. Every morning I blow bloody snot and boogers into the toilet paper. The cough has mostly subsided. I am thinking that I may have concocted a compromise of sorts with the Corona Virus...the Fever Free option.  A couple of weeks ago, P.C. (Pre-Corona) I was at my dentist's office for my 6 month tooth-tune up. For a 56 year old, I have great teeth. One cavity. Over a lifetime. Au natural. I have decent dental cleaning habits. But, the dental hygienist that day made a couple of pointed observations. I liked her. She leaned on me, a star pupil overall.  She noted that there is wear and tear on my teeth associated with night-time grinding. I have heard that before. Second, she said that my gums would benefit from a Water-Pik ...