Why I Am A Stoic, Why I Am Not A Stoic

Ever since Evangelicals in the U.S. became lackeys for Trump, I have distanced myself from the institutional (not organic) church. I am conservative and most of my tribe gives more allegiance to Rush than Jesus. Rush just died. So, I am sure Hannity is licking his chops on the prospects of being top dog on Right Wing Radio. I would not be surprised if Trump gets into talk radio hosting now that Twitter has banished him for good. It would fit his mendacious and lying red meat style. In that church void, even before COVID hit, I have delved quite deeply into the ancient philosophy of Stoicism. Stoicism is not stoical in the sense that emotions are embraced but not over-indulged. A good example is the idea that if you cannot control something, like the weather or a traffic jam, there is little reason to rant and rave. Venting won't do much to alter the outward situation. Instead, change your response. Like wear a raincoat or turn on the radio in your car to some ...