Smoothie Operator
"Coast to Coast, L.A. to Chicago." Smooth Operator is playing in the background. Wait a minute. Never really thought about this...Chicago is not the coast. Unless you count Lake Michigan. It is amazing to fly over Lake Michigan to grasp how massive it is. Just like driving through Los Angeles. I have been drinking fruit smoothies here in the early summer. Precipitated by my quarterly visit to Costco, where I purchased several bags of frozen organic fruit combos--and all the fruit is cut and packaged into single servings--I have been enjoying the drinks. All pulp included. The sugars have to be contextualized in the midst of the fiber. Otherwise, fruit drinks are not a whole lot healthier than soda. I put the fruit in my Cuisinart Single-Serve blender. And voila, a delicious icy drink of goodness. Candy is just the evil bastard twin of fruit. Mimics fruit with none of the health benefits. Wolves in Sheep's clothing to make a spiritual application. Ah, the cor...