Smoothie Operator

"Coast to Coast, L.A. to Chicago." 

Smooth Operator is playing in the background. Wait a minute. Never really thought about this...Chicago is not the coast. Unless you count Lake Michigan. It is amazing to fly over Lake Michigan to grasp how massive it is. Just like driving through Los Angeles.   

I have been drinking fruit smoothies here in the early summer. Precipitated by my quarterly visit to Costco, where I purchased several bags of frozen organic fruit combos--and all the fruit is cut and packaged into single servings--I have been enjoying the drinks. All pulp included. The sugars have to be contextualized in the midst of the fiber. Otherwise, fruit drinks are not a whole lot healthier than soda. I put the fruit in my Cuisinart Single-Serve blender. And voila, a delicious icy drink of goodness. Candy is just the evil bastard twin of fruit. Mimics fruit with none of the health benefits. Wolves in Sheep's clothing to make a spiritual application. Ah, the corrosive sweetness of sin. Soul decay.

I have been drinking my vegetable E-8 for the last 2 years or so in the morning. Go nuclear with the Vitamix and make two weeks worth at a time. Some people try to make the kale and etc. more palatable by adding fruit to the veggies. Not me. Straight vegetables, OK tomato is technically a vegetable. But otherwise, all ingredients that are rather nasty tasting. Just chug and shudder. Wipe my mouth, and move on with the morning. Even though I really dig the fruit smoothie taste-wise, I am not a big fan of eating fruit.

Too sticky, too much chomping, it goes bad, draws flies. So, with the frozen fruit smoothie, I have found a way for fruits to work for me. I generally like cold beverages. Recently, have been substituting cold water for beer in re-purposed Pellegrino bottles. And I am drinking some iced coffee right now. Once I figured out that it is not only beer per se that I love, but cold drinks in general, it has allowed me to reduce my consumption. I still love beer mind you. I just have cut back.         

One of the frustrating things about being 54 is figuring things out thirty years later that I could have grasped so much earlier, while in my 20's. A lack of wisdom coupled with a lack of money created a perfect storm of ignorance. Once I figured out that life is analogous to both software code and hardware equipment, I perceived solutions better. Need the techniques and the tools. I had a hard time learning from others because I was stubborn. I bought cheap shit because I had no money, which then just promptly broke. Rinse, Repeat. So, I was screwed.

"Old too soon and smart too late" is a Pennsylvania Dutch saying. "Ve Get Too Soon Oldt, Undt Too Late Schmart." Better late than never I guess. Regrets can be redeemed and each day is a chance to do better. Unscrewing I suppose.




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