A Reminder of Beauty
“BEAUTY WILL SAVE THE WORLD” — FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY Yesterday, being Saturday, meant I had my To-Do List. Saturday's, for me, are the day to tie together loose ends. I typically to keep Sunday as a day of Rest and generally abide by this. Watching March Madness just seemed like a waste of time. Kids putting a ball through a rim. I used to be so utterly consumed by basketball that I have pretty much come full circle and deflated my affection for roundball. Although, the Sixers are starting to reignite my interest in a small little fire. I don't have much investment in the college game and am not terribly infatuated in the Sixers but will watch them when they play on national TV. I was knocking out one To-Do after another until I came to a task that has been delayed longer than I wished: Writing about Portland, Oregon, for Extracted Magazine--a digital publication about Specialty Coffee. I was out in Portland over Christmas Vacation this last season. To remind myse...