
Showing posts from March 13, 2016

Back to the Bench II

My Dad bought my older brother and I weights when we were Teens. There was never a good place to lift in our house. We had no basement. The attic was too hot or cold. The garage was the best location and was far from ideal. I learned a good lesson... If you are looking for an excuse to not do something, you will always find one. Very rarely will opportunities be ideal. There are typically compromises, trade-offs, and less than perfect realities to deal with in order to accomplish goals. I could have lifted in the garage, I just didn't want to lift bad enough. Through college and afterwards, I did get in a routine with lifting for spells and then drift away from it. I like to run but lifting has never been a natural for me. Within the last decade, I decided to be more consistent lifting-wise. Unfortunately, my lifting was after school and I used coffee to light a fire under my butt. Although I typically slept the same amount of hours that I did before consuming coffee ...