Ask for the Moon, Settle for 1/4 of It

I am a big believer in just doing something rather than nothing. Let me explain. We are told a lot to dream big and have a vision for our lives. While generally good advice, it can also be intimidating. Where do I start, how long is this going to take, will I succeed or fall on my face? Ah, forget it. Let me tidy up my rut rather than try to climb out of it. Dreams demand a lot and wishes weigh heavy. Prayers come at a price. Resolutions can lead to dissolution, then to depression. Maybe it would be better to see goals as moving in the right direction versus some over-arching triumph. For instance, this morning I woke up early at 5:00 am. My body pretty much gets me up around 5 no matter what. Doesn't really matter what time I fall asleep. I wish I could adjust my internal clock like the I-Phone alarm clock for those days of the week where I am not off to work. No such luck. Sometimes I can get to 5:30 which is sleeping in for me. Fortunately, my body cooperates with compensatory...