Ode To The Honda Civic
About 4 months ago, the Civic metallic logo was falling off the back of the car. I happened to notice its precarious state before I lost it for good. With my 2007 Civic now having plus 200K miles on it, I debated if it would be better to just remove it, like pulling a tooth from a 90 year old man's mouth that was decayed and loose. I decided to re-attach. No sense in embracing the junkyard vibe yet. Putting the logo back on to the car was an act of confidence that there are still some miles to go. As I pondered the best method for sticking it back on the car, I reflected for a few moments how appreciative I have been to have this car. It has never left me stranded in the 14 years I have owned it. Every time I stuck the key in the ignition, it started. I know it perhaps seems a bit trivial to dedicate this blog to the auto but I have written about less important things. Like my Groundhog in the Garden Wars back in the day. A car ultimately has to be reliable above all else. ...