There Is A Balm In Tokyo
Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is not the health Of the daughter of my people recovered? Jeremiah 8:22 I am back from Manila. I knew it was going to be a difficult trip. It was even harder than I imagined. I either ate some bad food or drank bad water (or both) and spent the better part of three days in the hotel bathroom. I will spare you the details. Our dainties disappoint us. Really miserable. Probably the third most horrid experience in my life. First, being docked in a mosquito-filled swamp in a sailboat overnight when 13; Second, my perforated appendix emergency surgery three years ago; Third, and this. I hadn't really imagined Manila and the Philippines as being a vacation per se from the start. I am not a huge fan of the tropics and all that comes with it...bugs, swamp-ass, etc. The purpose was to attend my best friend's wedding and then hope to get some good food and drink along the journey. Manila and the P...