Ant Trap
All summer I have had an ant trap in my kitchen. Hundreds of ants killed yet they keep coming. Last week I decided to take away the ant trap because it is trending towards Fall. Next Summer I am thinking about not having an ant trap out at all. Here is why: I am suspicious that the ant trap attracts ants that otherwise would not come to the kitchen, that they would stay outside. Maybe 90% of them. The ant trap doesn't kill the ants immediately. Instead, it takes time and allows the ants to communicate that there is an apparent food fountain in my kitchen. A Death Pool more like. This has a parallel to social media. I know I have been on a jag recently about this but I am trying to figure out how to respond to ignorant and uneducated comments on social media by the hordes of smart asses, both Right and Left.Who are brazenly confident in their obvious ignorance to anyone who has any amount of real learning about a topic. Some dude commented yesterday that my B.A. i...