Discipline & Dishwashing

Yesterday, a little after 6:00 PM, I finished working on my part of the students' schedules. There is still work to do in cleaning things up and few hard cases where I have to wait--like letting pots and pans soak--but for the most part, this most difficult part of the summer has concluded. I dread the difficulty of the process, but embrace it as part of my job. I even enjoy it to a degree but it has a heavy cost. My school year does not end and my summer vacation does not begin until I finish. My butt hurts from such prolonged sitting. It surprises people that I don't get summers off, as if student schedules magically finish themselves. We, as counselors, get the first-drafts from the Student Information System and then have to figure out how to get to finish line for each student, where they get all or most of what they wanted. Our Assistant Principal is remarkably good at creating the Master Schedule, despite cuts to staffing. I have seen others do Master Scheduling so ...