Jonathan WInters & Jon
Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. With the passing of Jonathan Winters, truly an amazing comedic genius, it got me thinking about another Jon who was the funniest kid I ever knew. Jon was one of my best friends in junior high school. We were in an 8th grade US History class together with teacher Mr. Gicking, who loved to regale us with stories that had nothing to do with the subject of history. Mostly college tales of misadventures. I can still remember some of the stories today. Ex-Lax chocolate icing on a birthday cake for one. Gicking was a funny guy--not a particularly scholarly teacher--but Jon was funnier. He made strange voices, cut farts, and did all kind of stunts in class that would cause me to bust out laughing. Jon would get me all riled up with something ridiculous and I had to fight back the guffaws. I was the straight man. My life was pretty difficult back in 8th grade. ...