
Showing posts from July 12, 2015


The world sits at the feet of Christ,  Unknowing, blind, and unconsoled, It yet shall touch his garment's fold, And feel the heavenly Alchemist Transform its very ashes to gold. W hittier I took some artistic license and changed dust to ashes....  My title of CrashBurnBeauty is equivalent to TLC's CrazySexyCool.  Don't know much about TLC. Don't care to know much about TLC. I am not CrazySexyCool. OK, maybe a little crazy. Like Nehemiah of the Old Testament rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, I am dedicating July to rebuilding and restoring my townhouse and property. Not quite as labor intensive as Nehemiah's work. I had lived in the townhouse before getting married and have been back for a couple of years since the divorce. That was an 10 year cycle in total. While I was married, in school, and working, I rented the townhouse out. That was an enterprise that was hardly worth the hassle in terms of economic benefits. Not all tenants are exactl...