Advent Fire
There are those who hate winter. There are those who tolerate it. And then there are those of us who love it. I love it. Must be my Nordic blood. I have to cycle through the seasons like different courses of a meal. Just when summer provokes my maddening summer itching--an odd ailment that happens to my skin as the summer wears on--the temps start to cool and my body comes back into balance. Winter has its dangers too for me with my vulnerability of catching colds like a frog catches flies. Fall and Spring are respites to the dual bodily dangers. I think living in California or Florida would parch my soul. Winter brings a needed desolation. Truly, the best thing about winter is getting warm, something that is taken for granted during the heat of summer. Winter would hardly be appealing if I was cold 24-7. It is only the coat, the blanket, the heater, gloves, and hat, that kindle winter affection. When I attended Millersville University, I lived on the 9th floor of a Dorm Hi-Rise...