
Showing posts from August 12, 2012

Prayer: Past, Present, and Future

 Daniel 9:22 He instructed me and said to me, "Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding." Anyone who has followed this blog for awhile and consistently know of my struggles concerning prayer. I have a huge stoical streak running through me that sees fate (or Providence in Christian terminology), being the operative force in the universe, not my puny opinions--or anyone else's. God alone is capable of discerning what needs to happen and I often get trapped in the corner of "Does He really need my advice and counsel?" Like God needs a guidance counselor. This is really a serious theological issue and one that most Christians don't really probe too deeply upon because its implications are troubling. For if God ordains what comes to pass, do our prayers have any impact on the progression? I would rather ask hard questions rather than avoid them. Sweeping concerns under the rug, over time, create mounds of doubt that are easily...

Garden of Tears

Luke 22:44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. My Dad tells a tender yet very sad story of my youngest brother Matt asking him when he was coming home. My brother, probably about five at the time, didn't quite understand what Divorce meant. The context of the question was that Matt was very excited that the tomatoes out back where ripe and Matt wanted my Dad to see them. It was August and winter was waiting in the wings. Although my Dad is not an emotional man, when he retells the story, the tears well up and his voice quivers. The innocent question of your your child striking your soul so hard that even 35 years later, the grief is still juicy and raw. Like a fresh-picked hurt tomatoe. I cleared posting this story with them because I can't presume that right without permission. Two days ago, I was peering out my back window upon my tomatoes. I t...

Destiny at the Diner

Ecclesiastes 9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. For some odd reason this verse was sticking in my head last night. I guess I have been a philosophical mood. The older I get, the more I realize that there is a lot in this life we don't control. We can influence events to a degree but then get over-ruled by fate. A veto from on high. Or we can succeed without really earning it. Right place, right time type of thing. Adding to the reflective spirit, I am close to less than a year away from 50. I am likely in the second half of life, although the women in my family tend to live to be a hundred. So it could be half-time. Yet, since I ain't a women, I am not counting on a century on this earth.   I had to clear out of the house early today because the...

On Vacation

 As a blogger, I truly appreciate the hundreds and even thousands of people who visit the bierkergaard blog on a weekly basis. In a world of noise and distraction, an audience who pays attention deserves my acknowledgment. This time of year is traditionally very busy. With going back full-time to my school counselor position, the week or two before school starts is particularly hectic. Add to this that I am trying to finish my book and also attempting to both sell and buy a house, I think it is wise to wait on writing this blog until after Labor Day. I may decide to post before then yet I think it best to underpromise and overdeliver if that is the case rather than the other way around.   Until then (or before), have a great rest of the summer and I will see you soon enough. Eric