Saturday: Play and Work

My apologies for nor not blogging last week. A good buddy, that I had not seen in eons, had the opportunity to hang out with me drinking beer last Saturday when I typically blog. We had a Part 1 and 2 and stayed sober-minded nonetheless. Tellus360, the best pub in Lancaster, also shuts down the first days of the New Year. So, it must be some type of symmetry here. Even though I only blog once a week, I take it seriously. People from Saudi Arabia read it. I want to give them hope that one can be human and love God and enjoy His good gifts like drink in moderation. We first went to The Fridge for a New Belgium promo event in the AM to 1:00 PM or so. Then he went home to the Fam until 3:00 while I obtained a Gyro at the local Greek place. Plus, I walked another 6 blocks and drank an espresso down at Square One coffee. Overall, I walked about two miles and was beer-free for the same amount of time. It takes wisdom to slow down and stop when the gravity cheers for consumption. Brake a...