Saturday: Play and Work

My apologies for nor not blogging last week. A good buddy, that I had not seen in eons, had the opportunity to hang out with me drinking beer last Saturday when I typically blog. We had a Part 1 and 2 and stayed sober-minded nonetheless. Tellus360, the best pub in Lancaster, also shuts down the first days of the New Year. So, it must be some type of symmetry here. Even though I only blog once a week, I take it seriously. People from Saudi Arabia read it. I want to give them hope that one can be human and love God and enjoy His good gifts like drink in moderation.

We first went to The Fridge for a New Belgium promo event in the AM to 1:00 PM or so. Then he went home to the Fam until 3:00 while I obtained a Gyro at the local Greek place. Plus, I walked another 6 blocks and drank an espresso down at Square One coffee. Overall, I walked about two miles and was beer-free for the same amount of time. It takes wisdom to slow down and stop when the gravity cheers for consumption. Brake and Break. Some voices should not be  listened to.

By 3:00, we were ready for Part 2. We visited Fetish Brewery, a snarky upstart, down a non-descript alley in Lancaster, and drank some crazy-style beers. I had a Ghost Pepper Beer and a Peat Beer. A real freak show circus but good and entertaining. No, the bearded lady was not keeping Bar. Or, if she was, she had recently shaved. Closely.

A week later, today Saturday, I have been taking care of chores. A big list. See above, plus several others that were on the fridge white-board. I am an inveterate list-maker. Got that from my Madre.

Knocking them out like a heavyweight fighter with a one-two punch. Helping me today with writing this blog is the acquisition of an iPad Mini, which I am composing on right now. The laptop feels like Saul's armour and the iPhone is just too dinky to type on. Poor Radio Shack. I stopped by on Thursday afternoon to see if I could acclimate to the keyboard. It is kind of small. But, I can do a two-fingered QWERTY so I am good to go. Radio Shack's sole carrier is Sprint and I have ATT. As far as I can tell, the iPad Mini can ride the 4G coverage I already have at no additional charge. Maybe I should confirm that.

I am still ticked at ATT for me buying an international plan for the Quebec vacation and getting NO coverage. I did have Wifi at the hotel and got by.  So, ATT owes me. I did buy the iPad Mini on Amazon and had it in my mailbox in 8 hours. I bought the device so that I can write on the fly. I think that God has given me something to say and write and I am going to pursue this with all my might.

Beginning my second book titled OTW: Onward Through the Fog. It will be written for those first two years out of college. The first two years out of college are critical for one's life. So, I plan to zero in on it big-time. Then, offer the book on Kindle for $2.99. I would rather sell a hundred books on average than ten. And since the potential the audience is quite large, the pricing will be evened out at the point of sale.

Update: I had to hop on the lap top to clean  things up and finish the blog. The iPad Mini was not letting me see the preview. Apple and Google not playing nice I am sure.


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